Monday, February 22, 2010


Huh...tonight was a LONG LONG LONG night for me cause i am awake whole night ..WHY? Because the damn foolish cough make me can't sleep..ya ya...cough oftenly whole night,my sore throat become more worst now...huh..PAIN u know!!u can't imagine it..hmmm...2moro early morning i might 2 be the 1st patient in hospital ,lets the doctor c me and "repair "me ...cause i really beh tahan liao ...very!!so sleepy...but i know,if i close my baby laptop and switch the light , i will not able to sleep cause caugh... caugh times by times...walao weiiiiii....very suffer...lack antibiotic ...i am too weak isn't ??NO NO...not my the foolish weather !!!!make me sick....heard from berita that the ice cube melt 2 fast and make the global warming become more high ...the weather become more hot such now!!!STUPID!!!is it that is KIAMAT symtomps??haha...i duno..maybe think too far..huh!!back 2 my topic...PAIN ...oh goshhhh....pls take away my painess and my sore throat..its really uncomfortable ....the pain...OMG...i really hope the sun can rise hurry up ,ASAP...the moon go back 2 ur house larrrr!!!i wan c doctor...i wan c DOCTOR ...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu :( what thing pun useless....everything useless...except the antibiotic....ya ya!!the antibiotio...huh...ok lar...gotta baby laptop complain ady...on so long 2 wanna rest bactery jor..hahaha...k k...c u then..nite nite^^

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